Green Crabs

Washington Sea Grant | For Washington Sea Grant, a research department part of University of Washington’s College of the Environment, I captured footage with a Cannon XA50 and produced a social media vignette of their crab team who monitors for invasive species.

Low Tide

Washington Sea Grant | Child-like wonder was had among kids and adults alike when tides receded to an epic low in the summer of 2022. I captured footage on an iPhone camera with an underwater case and produced this video for Washington Sea Grant to help bring awareness to its pandemic-adapted NOAA Science Camp program.

The Millions of Eggs in Moonsnail Casings

Washington Sea Grant & Seattle Aquarium | As low tides continued throughout the summer, Washington Sea Grant, in partnership with the Seattle Aquarium, shared glimpses into the creatures beach-goers may find when exploring a low tide. I shot, edited, and produced this video for Washington Sea Grant’s social media channels.

Women in Wildfire

Washington DNR | For Washington State Department of Natural Resources, I shot and produced a social media vignette of the Commissioner of Public Lands and women breaking through male-dominated spaces. I also produced the accompanying blog post.

Wildfire Action

Pacific Science Center | Roslyn residents saw the terrifying reality of wildfires from their homes in 2017. For Washington State Department of Natural Resources, I produced with a social media documentary with existing footage about how they took action with prescribed fire. The Pacific Science Center curated the video in their “Jolly Mountain Fire Exhibit” in 2019.

How a Tree Tells the Story of Fire

Washington DNR & The Nature Conservancy | Ponderosa pine in Washington state tell the story of the importance of fire in our forests. I shot and produced this educational video with The Nature Conservancy in Washington and the State Department of Natural Resources for their social media channels.